Combine Harvester | Fieldking Multi Crop Harvester with AC Cabin Features

 Fieldking Combine Harvester

Harvesters are one of the most popular pieces of agricultural machinery used by farmers globally. Performing a combination of agriculture functions, combine harvesters are very impressive, It is not only because of the significant amount of time and physical effort they save but also because of the minimal residue they leave behind.

With great importance on quality, Fieldking Multi Crop harvesters are field-tested to ensure high productivity, a greater range of visibility and operator comfort.

Fieldking Multi Crop Harvester (With AC Cabin) Features:

  • Fieldking Harvester With AC Cabin facility is comfortable for long harvesting operations for more productivity.
  • Optimum weight of combine Cruzer to perform in all types of fields.
  • A genuine Multi Crop Harvester designed for collecting numerous yields - paddy, wheat, corn, grain, beats, and soybean effectively and effectively.
  • Economic fuel consumption reduces the operating cost of the harvester.
  • light-weighted Fieldking Combine Harvester gives the advantage for the activity in paddy fields.


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